
Flashbacks: "Special Student Price"

Recently the BYU Bookstore has been conducting a survey on how many of their customers are students. Consequently, each time someone checks out, they ask, "Are you a student?" And each time I can't resist saying, "Do I get a special student discount?" (Of course, each time they say, "No, but we do have a 20% discount storewide for the graduation sale!")

Each time I ask this I am reminded of shopping in the Middle East. I must admit, when I first got to the Middle East, my bartering skills were downright horrid. I had to wait to find out what a good price was and then go and barter for a similar price, because I didn't know if I was getting ripped off or offending the person by offering to pay such a low price.

However, in each place I went in Jerusalem, I was instantly recognized as a BYU student and, as such, deserving of the "special student price!" This sometimes was quite a bit higher than the actual price, but I guess they figured if they could pretend that they were giving us a good deal, we would fall for it. Of course, I totally played this one up, saying that as a student, I didn't have the funds (or any use) for their 30x40 foot floor rugs, or the random statues of false Egyptian gods sold at each tourist destination in Egypt.

I do, however, think that I am going to have to use this one again, asking for the "special student price" at each store in Jordan! (And hopefully, my bartering skills will be slightly improved since last time I was there!)

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