
A Funny Break

Ok, so the last couple of posts have been really spiritual and the next couple will be really informative, so I thought I would throw in a funny break. I don't want you all to get overwhelmed when really my life is incredibly funny and awkward here all the time.

So last week I broke my shoes on the way to school. They were teetering on the edge of being broken, but I tripped over some random construction cement pieces in the middle of the road and broke my shoe the rest of the way. It was still wearable, but the top separated from the bottom all the way through right under the arch. Needless to say, it made walking slightly difficult through the undergrowth and dirt that sometimes passes as a sidewalk in Jordan.

Fast forward to later in the day (please remember, these shoes, as is customary for me, had about a 3.5 inch heel on them). I was at my friend Brian's apartment where I had just given him a haircut. He and Jason, who lives in the same apartment building, were going out to eat at a Yemeni restaurant and invited me to go with them.

As we were walking down the hill from their apartment to the street, I immediately saw a danger zone. They live on an incredibly steep hill, the tread on the road is completely worn off and very slick due to the car tires spinning and the run off over several years. To make it worse, water had for some reason been running down the road (there is no sidewalk) for the past thirty minutes or so, for some strange reason that seemed odd but unfortunately not unusual in a country that is so desperate for water. And remember my broken shoe.

I started walking carefully down the hill (my shoes also have no tread on them), thinking I could make it down without falling.

I was wrong.

About halfway down the hill my shoes no longer held up and I completely slipped. My feet flew out from under me and I landed flat on my backpack. (I apologize that I am not telling this as funny as it was in real life, but I guess I tell stories better in real life. There are no hand motions on my keyboard!)

Needless to say, I took my shoes off and walked down the hill the rest of the way!


WhiteMama said...

What a surprise, your shoe broke. I'm glad you had your backpack to break your fall.


Chicken Dust said...

"I can imagine that!"

(thought you might need a little GGR in your life:)

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